How Peertasker Works


How does Peertasker work?

For Clients
1. Describe the assistance you need
Clean the house, buy groceries or send the laundry. Just name it, we’ll get it done.
2. Select location, date & time
Let us know where and when you want to get your tasks done. We’ll shortlist the ideal taskers to fit your schedule.
3. Select your tasker
Communicate any details with your tasker via the Peertasker Chat, pay the agreed upon rate & start the ball rolling!

Step 1 Post your task
1. Choose the category of your task and describe in detail the tasks to be performed.
2. Indicate the location details and date of assignment
3. Indicate your budget and manpower required

Step 2 Select your favourite tasker(s)
A list of taskers that match your requirements are featured for your selection. You may click on the individual taskers and review their past assignments and ratings.

Step 3 Invite the appropriate taskers to take on your assignment
Invite your taskers and agree upon the rate on our Peertasker Chat. Once confirmed, input your credit card details and make payment to the payment gateway. Fund deduction occurs only after the completion of tasks

For Taskers
Step 1 Complete the form and apply to be our Tasker 
Step 2 Describe your strengths and skills in your profile
Step 3 Include account details for online funds transfer of your fees